EPA Victoria Priority Sites Register

The Priority Sites Register (PSR) consists of a list of publicly available sites that EPA Victoria has issued a clean-up or pollution abatement notice to for regarding land and/or groundwater that presents an unacceptable risk to human health and/or the environment. The site is then usually subject to management such as clean-up, monitoring and/or institutional controls to reduce this risk.

These sites are only sites the EPA has knowledge of and is not an inclusive list of contaminated sites, nor does it include sites that are managed by voluntary agreements or subject to management by planning controls.

These sites are shown spatially on the VVG portal by ticking the EPA Victoria Sites box under layers. A PSR site can be queried by setting the 'Query mode' drop down box to EPA Victoria Sites and left clicking the site of interest shown as a blue coloured diamond. The query box will show the notice number, issue, address and municipality and include a link to the EPA Victoria website where you can download the register and access further information regarding the PSR.

Data access and currency

EPA Victoria updates the PSR on a monthly basis and we spatially locate and upload this data to the VVG portal within a day or two after receiving the updated information. The locations have been determined manually based on information given on the PSR register on the 8th December 2020 as well as using Victoria Unearthed website, Land and Survey Spatial Information site, historic maps and other publicly available data.

The site locations should be taken as a guide only, as in some instances not enough information is available to give an exact location. There is one site from the July 2020 PSR missing from the portal due to not having enough data to determine a location. The file can be found here.

EPA Victoria plan to show these sites spatially on their website in the future, at which time we will use their location data to show them spatially on the VVG portal.